Producciones Almendares brings fiction short film to Cuban television

The production of Agnus Dei is a sample of the wide range of action of Producciones Almendares, a well-known private production startup leaded by Santa Coloma, a local entrepreneur and producer. Their experience of more than 8 years is vast, which places them as the leading company in the audiovisual independent emerging industry.

Do you want to film with drone in Cuba? Producciones Almendares advises you how

Taking aerial images has become a necessity when we want to make high-impact productions, whether videos of social events, advertising, musicals, long or short films and even travel memories. The use of drones has become very common and many have their own to take photos and videos on their trips, but in Cuba, a destination […]

Wedding with drone in Havana, Cuba

3 / 5 ( 1 vote ) Drones are an innovative resource that will surely make your video unforgettable. The couple below did not miss the opportunity when Producciones Almendares first offered to use drone images in our wedding videos. Our certified drone pilots are trained to capture the best aerial images. These awesome, formerly […]